BLM: Achieving real change respectfully, inclusively and confidently

Rork Projects’ John Paul Janke recently spoke with Lisa Annese, CEO of the Diversity Council of Australia, about what is needed to recognise Australia’s ongoing racial injustices and shift the dial to create a future that includes Australia’s First Nations people.

John is a member of Diversity Council of Australia (DCA) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander External Advisory Panel.

The momentum generated by the US Black Lives Matter movement has seen Australian organisations question their own systemic inequalities. However, many feel they lack the capability to channel this energy into achieving real change respectfully, inclusively and confidently.

Despite decades of calls for change, many are hoping that the time is finally now for a reckoning on these tragic statistics. While John Paul has been encouraged by the expressions of solidarity shown by non-Indigenous Australians, he reiterates that genuine progress requires true self-determination by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to enable closing gaps not only of incarceration rates, but also in health, housing, and education.

Says John Paul, “Overall, black people – we are tired of marching, we’re tired of having to take to the streets and ask for change. And in fact, change will probably only happen when we’re involved in the day to day decisions at the most senior levels that affect us. I read somewhere recently that to make lasting change, we ultimately have to get off the streets and into the rooms where those decision-makers operate.”